Design Patterns

Recently I’ve started posting a small series of OO related articles, they cover the APIE concepts and the SOLID principles, if you haven’t read these yet, I strongly suggest you do. Once you’ve got an understanding of how to write maintainable and extensible code, the next step is learn how to solve common programming problems using design patterns.

Design patterns have been around for decades, they were first defined properly by the Gang of Four (GoF). Since being defined they haven’t changed that much, in fact many patterns haven’t changed at all. Each pattern is placed into a group, based on what it attempts to achieve. These group are, creational, structural, behavioural and concurrent.

There are also architectural patterns, these are similar to design patterns, but they have a broader scope, taking the entire system into account, where a design pattern is more specific to an area of code.

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What is APIE?

Since writing this article, I have rewritten it in much more detail.

If you have any experience with Object Orientated Programming (OOP), you’ll of probably heard of APIE. If you haven’t, then quite simply APIE is an acronym for the 4 most important concepts of OOP.

APIE stands for Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance and Encapsulation. Each of these are huge subjects in their own right and together form what is know as OOP. Below I aim to explain the basis to each of these concepts, focusing on what they mean, when they should and shouldn’t be used and how you should go about writing code, with them in mind.

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